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How to Replace a LED Light Bulb


How to Replace a LED Light Bulb



  • 1

    Find the type, size, and color of LED bulb that you are looking for. As mentioned before, there are hundreds of different types out there and it may be difficult for you to find the exact one you are looking for. If that is the case, you may want to take your burned out bulb to your local hardware store to see if they can point you in right direction for a replacement.

  • 2

    Remove the old bulb carefully so you don't break it. Normally a screwdriver will be required at this point because LED lights are normally encased in something. So start by removing any encasing there is. Be sure to keep the screws that you removed however, you will need them when you put the case back on.

  • 3

    Read the manual for your particular LED light. Many LED lights can simply be pulled out, but other have certain ways that they connect more securely. You will need to know what kind you are dealing with, don't guess. Find the manual or instructions on your new bulb and remove following those directions.

  • 4

    Replace the old bulb with the new LED light. The new bulb should go in just like the old one came out. You will want to test the light before you put the encasing back on to make sure everything works and the light is the same color.

  • 5

    Replace the case that was over the LED lights and make sure the casing is secured tightly.